Re: [abc-users] Capturing synchronized blocks - StmtShadowMatch or BodyShadowMatch

From: Bruno Harbulot <>
Date: Tue Mar 29 2005 - 17:33:19 BST

Hi Eric,

This seems related to what I've done for LoopsAJ (the loop join point
I've extended StmtShadowMatch so that it takes a begining and an end (a
bit like the ConstructorShadowMatch, except that "next" does not have to
be the statement right after the main statement).

It looks like this:

package loopsaj.weaving.matching;

import soot.*;
import soot.jimple.*;
import abc.weaving.matching.*;

public abstract class StmtGroupShadowMatch extends StmtShadowMatch {
     protected Stmt lastStmt ;

     protected StmtGroupShadowMatch(SootMethod container, Stmt
firstStmt, Stmt lastStmt) {
         super(container, firstStmt);
         this.lastStmt = lastStmt ;

     public Stmt getFirstStmt() {
         return stmt ;
     public Stmt getLastStmt() {
         return lastStmt ;

I've also got NonContiguousStmtGroupShadowMatch and LoopShadowMatch
below in the hierachy, but it's probably not relevant for this.

If you want to do something with the blocks and exceptions, you can
build the control-flow graph (with exceptions) and match the shadows on
the blocks. I've implemented a "BlockMethodPosition" for that.
(I'm planning to release LoopsAJ quite soon, if you'd like to have a look.)
Regarding the around advice, you need to make sure that all the blocks
from which you can return have got a common successor, otherwise, it
doesn't really make sense (see our FOAL 2005 paper).



Eric Bodden wrote:
> Hi.
> I am trying to implement a pointcut "synchronizedExecution", which
> matches on synchronized block as synchronized(this) {...}. It has
> basically the same matching semantics as this/target/args, so you can
> pass in a type pattern or a formal in order to expose the bound
> object.
> My problem at the moment is the ShadowMatch: As I understood from the
> turorial there are matches on statements and bodies. I, however, want
> to match on only a part of the body, being the synchronized block. So
> what ShadowMatch should I extend?
> Identifying this block is one task. This seems quite tedious because
> of exception handling and rethrowing in monitor regions, so the end
> of the block seems to be hard to identify. However I think this is
> necessary, in order to allow around() to work, is that right?
> Thanks a lot,
> Eric
> --
> Eric Bodden
> RWTH Aachen University
> ICQ UIN: 12656220, Skype: ericbodden, PGP: BB465582
> Website:
Received on Tue Mar 29 17:42:51 2005

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