The DaCapo Benchmark Suite -------------------------- This benchmark suite is intend as a tool for the the memory management research community. It consists of a set of open source, real world applications with non-trivial memory loads. Guidelines for use ------------------ When quoting results in publications, the authors strongly request that - The exact version number of the suite be given - The suite be cited in accordance with the usual standards of acknowledging credit in academic research. For more information see the Dacapo Benchmark web page, Building -------- The easiest way to obtain the benchmark suite is to download the pre-built jar file from the DaCapo Benchmark web site above. If, however, you want to build from source read on: The suite is built using ant, from a build.xml in this directory. The most useful targets are: dist (default) - build the dacapo jar file from sources sourcedist - Download sources and build Note the suite will currently only build using a Java 1.4 compatible SDK, although the resulting jar file will happily run under the Sun 1.5 VM. Some external tools are required to build the suite. These include - ant - javacc Directories ----------- src Source files for the DaCapo test harness stub Stub files to allow the test harness to compile sources Source distributions for the packages used in the benchmark suite. All files in this directory can be downloaded using the ant target 'sources'. originals Source distributions for packages that are not available publicly (currently only 'ps'). patches Some of the packages require minor changes to work in the benchmark suite. These patches are applied to the source distributions before they are compiled. cnf Configuration files that tell the test harness how to run each of the benchmarks. data Test data License ------- The DaCapo Benchmark Suite conmprises several open source or public domain programs, plus a test harness, some patches to enable the benchmarks to run under the test harness, and a packaging process. The benchmarks are distributed under their own licenses and the remaining component is distributed under the Apache License, version 2.0. Copyright 2005 The DaCapo Project, Department of Computer Science University of Massachusetts, Amherst MA. 01003, USA Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.