001    /**
002     * Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
003     * User: Wei Wang
004     * Date: Nov 28, 2002
005     * Time: 12:45:22 AM
006     */
008    package EVolve.visualization.XYViz.RefRefViz;
010    import EVolve.visualization.XYViz.XYVisualization;
011    import EVolve.visualization.*;
012    import EVolve.visualization.Dimension;
013    import EVolve.Scene;
014    import java.util.ArrayList;
016    public abstract class ReferenceReferenceVisualization extends XYVisualization{
017        protected ReferenceDimension xAxis, yAxis;
018        protected ValueDimension zAxis; // used as correlation
019        protected int[][] value; // value of the points
020        protected String[] info;
021        protected static int SELECT_OPTION;
024        public Dimension[] createDimension() {
025            value = null;
026            xAxis = new ReferenceDimension();
027            yAxis = new ReferenceDimension();
028            zAxis = null;
029            info = new String[3];
031            Dimension[] returnVal = new Dimension[2];
032            returnVal[0] = xAxis;
033            returnVal[1] = yAxis;
035            SELECT_OPTION = 0x0011;
036            return returnVal;
037        }
039        protected void updateConfiguration() {
040            ((AxesPanel)panel).setName(xAxis.getName(), yAxis.getName());
041            super.updateConfiguration();
042        }
044        public ReferenceDimension getLinkableDimension(int dim) {
045            if (dim > 1)
046                return null;
047            return (ReferenceDimension)dimension[dim];
048        }
050        public void makeSelection() {
051            if (SELECT_OPTION == 0) {
052                Scene.showErrorMessage("Nothing will be selected, please check Selection menu.");
053                return;
054            }
056            int x1 = ((AxesPanel)panel).getStartX();
057            int x2 = ((AxesPanel)panel).getEndX();
058            int y1 = ((AxesPanel)panel).getEndY();
059            int y2 = ((AxesPanel)panel).getStartY();
061            if (x1 < 0) {
062                x1 = 0;
063            }
065            if (x2 > (xAxis.getEntityNumber() - 1)) {
066                x2 = xAxis.getEntityNumber() - 1;
067            }
069            if (y1 < 0) {
070                y1 = 0;
071            }
073            if (y2 > (yAxis.getEntityNumber() - 1)) {
074                y2 = yAxis.getEntityNumber() - 1;
075            }
077            int[] selection = null;
078            switch (SELECT_OPTION & 0xf0f0) {
079                case 0x1000: // select occurred entities on x axis
080                    ArrayList idList = new ArrayList();
081                    for (int i=x1; i<=x2; i++) {
082                        for (int j=y1; j<=y2; j++) {
083                            if (image.getSortedColor(xAxis,yAxis,i,j) != null)
084                                idList.add(new Integer(i));
085                        }
086                    }
087                    selection = new int[idList.size()];
088                    for (int i=0; i<idList.size(); i++)
089                        selection[i] = ((Integer)idList.get(i)).intValue();
090                    xAxis.makeSelection(selection);
091                    break;
092                case 0x0010: // select all entities on x axis
093                    selection = new int[x2-x1+1];
094                    for (int i=x1; i<=x2; i++)
095                        selection[i-x1] = i;
096                    xAxis.makeSelection(selection);
097                    break;
098                case 0x0000: // x axis is not seletcted
099                    /*x1 = 0;
100                    x2 = xAxis.getEntityNumber() - 1;
101                    selection = new int[x2-x1+1];
102                    for (int i=0; i<=x2; i++)
103                        selection[i] = i;*/
104                    break;
105            }
107            switch (SELECT_OPTION & 0x0f0f) {
108                case 0x0100: //select occurred entities
109                    ArrayList idList = new ArrayList();
110                    for (int i=x1; i<=x2; i++) {
111                        for (int j=y1; j<=y2; j++) {
112                            if (image.getSortedColor(xAxis,yAxis,i,j) != null)
113                                idList.add(new Integer(i));
114                        }
115                    }
116                    selection = new int[idList.size()];
117                    for (int i=0; i<idList.size(); i++)
118                        selection[i] = ((Integer)idList.get(i)).intValue();
119                    yAxis.makeSelection(selection);
120                    break;
121                case 0x0001: // select all entities
122                    selection = new int[y2-y1+1];
123                    for (int i=y1; i<=y2; i++)
124                        selection[i-y1] = i;
125                    yAxis.makeSelection(selection);
126                    break;
127                case 0x0000:
128                    /*y1 = 0;
129                    y2 = yAxis.getEntityNumber() - 1;
130                    selection = new int[y2-y1+1];
131                    for (int i=0; i<=y2; i++)
132                        selection[i] = i;*/
133                    break;
134            }
136        }
138        /**
139         * Mouse moved.
140         *
141         * @param   x position on X-axis
142         * @param   y position on Y-axis
143         */
144        protected void mouseMove(int x, int y) {
145            int X = ((AxesPanel)panel).getImageX(x);
146            int Y = ((AxesPanel)panel).getImageY(y);
148            if ((X >= 0) && (X < xAxis.getEntityNumber()) && (Y >= 0) && (Y < yAxis.getEntityNumber())) {
150                if (shift_pressed && (image.getSortedColor(xAxis,yAxis,X,Y)==null))
151                    Scene.setStatus("  ");
152                else {
153                    if (value == null)
154                        Scene.setStatus(info[0] + xAxis.getEntity(X).getName() + info[1] +
155                                         yAxis.getEntity(Y).getName() + info[2]);
156                    else {
157                        Scene.setStatus(info[0] + xAxis.getEntity(X).getName() + info[1] +
158                                         yAxis.getEntity(Y).getName() + info[2] + value[xAxis.getEntity(X).getId()][yAxis.getEntity(Y).getId()]);
159                    }
160                }
161            } else {
162                Scene.setStatus(" ");
163            }
164        }
166        public void sort() {
167            magnifier.setAxises(xAxis,yAxis);
168            ((AxesPanel)panel).setName(xAxis.getName() + " (" + xAxis.getEntityNumber() +
169                                       ", " + xAxis.getSelectedComparatorName() + ")",
170                                       yAxis.getName() + " (" + yAxis.getEntityNumber() +
171                                       ", " + yAxis.getSelectedComparatorName() + ")");
172            ((AxesPanel)panel).setImage(image.getSortedImage(xAxis, yAxis).getImage());
173            panel.repaint();
174            enableBrowseSourceMenu();
175        }
177        protected void changeOrientation() {
178            super.changeOrientation();
179            ReferenceDimension temp = xAxis;
180            xAxis = yAxis;
181            yAxis = temp;
182            String tempInfo = info[0];
183            info[0] = info[1];
184            info[1] = tempInfo;
185            sort();
186        }
188        public int[][] getValue() {
189            return value;
190        }
192        public void setValue(int[][] newValue) {
193            value = newValue;
194        }
196        protected String getEntityUnderMouse() {
197            return null;
198        }
199    }