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SableCC hangs when 'compiling' a grammar

Hello everybody,

I'm trying to generate a SableCC for a grammer that defines the Dynamic
Constraint Language (DCL) for XForms.

I've been using the ecmascript.grammar as an example and simplified and
changed it into a dcl.grammar.

Also, i've been removing all the Unicode character sets and replaced them
with ASCII counterparts (sablecc-ing the Unicode version did not even finish
after one hour....).
Next to that, i removed every 'comment' fragments... removing them seemed to
help a bit.

I start 'sablecc'-ing the dcl.grammar and after 6 a 7 minutes, the
complitation hangs in - as it seems - an infinite loop. At that moment, the
java VM uses about 178 MBytes of memory and stays there.

Is there something wrong with the grammar, and if so, why does SableCC hang
and not report an error?

I use the JDK 1.3 and SableCC-2.16.2. on an NT4.0 machine (SP6).

Your help is very much appreciated.
Thank you very much.

-- Anton

This is the grammar: dcl.grammar
  Begin =======================================================

Package org.xforms.dcl;

   source_character = [0x0000..0x00FF];

   tab =  0x0009;
   vt =   0x000B;
   ff =   0x000C;
   sp =   0x0020;
   nbsp = 0x00A0;
   usp = 0x3000;
   simple_white_space = tab | vt | ff | sp | nbsp | usp;

   lf = 0x000A;
   cr = 0x000D;
   ls = 0x2028;
   ps = 0x2029;
   line_terminator = [lf + [cr + [ls + ps]]];

   non_terminator = [source_character - line_terminator];

   multi_line_comment =
        '/*' '*'* ([source_character - ['/' + '*']] [source_character -
'*']* '*'*)* '*/';

   multi_line_comment_no_lt =
        '/*' '*'* ([non_terminator - ['/' + '*']] [non_terminator - '*']*
'*'*)* '*/';

   single_line_comment = '//' non_terminator*;

   comment =
      | multi_line_comment
      | single_line_comment
   unicode_letter = 
        [0x0041..0x005A] | [0x0061..0x007A] |  0x00AA          |  0x00B5
      |  0x00BA          | [0x00C0..0x00D6] | [0x00D8..0x00F6] |  0x00F8;

   unicode_combining_mark = 0x0300;
   unicode_digit = [0x0030..0x0039];
   unicode_connector_punctuation = 0x005F;
   hex_digit = [['0'..'9'] + [['a'..'f'] + ['A'..'F']]];

   unicode_escape_sequence = 'u' hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit;

   ncname_char =
      | unicode_digit
      | '.'
      | '-'
      | '_'
      | unicode_combining_mark
   identifier_start =
      | '_'

   identifier_part =
      | unicode_combining_mark
      | unicode_digit
      | unicode_connector_punctuation
      | '\' unicode_escape_sequence

   decimal_digit = ['0'..'9'];

   non_zero_digit = ['1'..'9'];

   exponent_part = ('e' | 'E') ('+' | '-')? ['0'..'9']+;

   decimal_integer_literal = '0' | ['1'..'9'] ['0'..'9']*;
   single_escape_character =
        [''' + ['"' + ['\' + ['b' + ['f' + ['n' + ['r' + ['t' + 'v']]]]]]]];

   escape_character =
        [single_escape_character + [decimal_digit + ['x' + 'u']]];

   non_escape_character =
        [source_character - [escape_character + line_terminator]];

   character_escape_sequence =
      | non_escape_character

   escape_sequence =
      | '0' // TODO: [lookahead not a DecimalDigit]
      | 'x' hex_digit hex_digit
      | unicode_escape_sequence

   double_string_character =
        [source_character - ['"' + ['\' + line_terminator]]]
      | '\' escape_sequence

   single_string_character =
        [source_character - [''' + ['\' + line_terminator]]]
      | '\' escape_sequence
   any_string_character = 
        [source_character - ['\' + line_terminator]]
      | '\' escape_sequence

   white_space_no_lt = (simple_white_space | single_line_comment |
   white_space =       (simple_white_space | comment | line_terminator)+;

   root = '/';
   rootroot = '//';

   string_literal =
        '"' double_string_character* '"'
      | ''' single_string_character* '''

   ncname = identifier_start ncname_char*;
   prefix = ncname;
   qname  = (prefix ':')? ncname;

   axisname =  
      | 'ancestor-or-self' 
      | 'attribute' 
      | 'child' 
      | 'descendant' 
      | 'descendant-or-self' 
      | 'following' 
      | 'following-sibling' 
      | 'namespace' 
      | 'parent' 
      | 'preceding' 
      | 'preceding-sibling' 
      | 'self'

  abbreviatedaxisspecifier = '@';
  nametest = '*' | ncname ':' '*' | qname;
  nodetype = 
      | 'text' 
      | 'processing-instruction' 
      | 'node'
  xpliteral             = string_literal;
  subxpathexpr          = any_string_character*;
  predicateexpr         = subxpathexpr;

  axisspecifier   = axisname '::' abbreviatedaxisspecifier?;
  nodetest        = nametest | nodetype '(' ')' | 'processing-instruction'
'(' xpliteral ')';
  predicate       = '[' predicateexpr ']';
  abbreviatedstep = '.' | '..';

  step                            = axisspecifier nodetest predicate* |
  extrarootstep                   = root step;
  extrarootrootstep               = rootroot step;
  extrastep                       = extrarootstep | extrarootrootstep;
  relativelocationpath            = step extrastep*;
  abbreviatedabsolutelocationpath = rootroot relativelocationpath;
  absolutelocationpath            = root relativelocationpath? |


          blank_no_lt = (simple_white_space | single_line_comment |
{normal}  blank =       (simple_white_space | comment | line_terminator)+;

   above  = 'above';
   below  = 'below';
   before = 'before';
   after  = 'after';
   within = 'within';
   and   = 'and';
   or    = 'or';
   xor   = 'xor';
   plus  = 'plus';
   minus = 'minus';
   times = 'times';
   over  = 'over';
   is    = 'is';
   not = 'not';
   dash = '-';
   perc = '%';

   if   = 'if';
   then = 'then';
   else = 'else';

   null = 'null';

   true =  'true';
   false = 'false';

   decimal_literal =
        ('0' | ['1'..'9'] ['0'..'9']*) '.' ['0'..'9']* exponent_part?
      | '.' ['0'..'9']+ exponent_part?
      | ('0' | ['1'..'9'] ['0'..'9']*) exponent_part?

   hex_integer_literal = ('0x' | '0X') hex_digit+;

   lbrace =    '{';
   rbrace =    '}';
   lparen =    '(';
   rparen =    ')';
   lbracket =  '[';
   rbracket =  ']';
   dot =       '.';
   semicolon = ';';
   comma =     ',';
   assign =    '=';

   string_literal = string_literal;

   identifier = identifier_start identifier_part*;
   locationpath = absolutelocationpath | relativelocationpath;

Ignored Tokens

   program =
      {def} source_elements;

   primary_expression =
      {identifier} identifier |
      {xpath} locationpath |
      {literal} literal |
      {array_literal} array_literal |
      {expression} lparen expression rparen;

   array_literal =
      {elision} lbracket elision? rbracket |
      {element_list} lbracket element_list rbracket |
      {element_list_elision} lbracket element_list comma elision? rbracket;

   element_list =
      {assign} elision? assignment_expression |
      {list} element_list comma elision? assignment_expression;

   elision =
      {comma} comma |
      {elision} elision comma;

   member_expression =
      {primary} primary_expression |
      {member_bracket} member_expression lbracket expression rbracket;

   call_expression =
      {member} member_expression arguments |
      {args} call_expression arguments |
      {expression} call_expression lbracket expression rbracket;

   arguments =
      {empty} lparen rparen |
      {list} lparen argument_list rparen;

   argument_list =
      {assign} assignment_expression |
      {assign_list} argument_list comma assignment_expression;

   left_hand_side_expression =
      {member} member_expression |
      {call} call_expression;

   postfix_expression =
      {left} left_hand_side_expression |
      {perc} left_hand_side_expression perc;
   unary_expression =
      {postfix} postfix_expression |
      {minus} dash unary_expression |
      {not} not unary_expression;

   multiplicative_expression =
      {unary} unary_expression |
      {mul} multiplicative_expression times unary_expression |
      {div} multiplicative_expression over unary_expression;

   additive_expression =
      {mul} multiplicative_expression |
      {plus} additive_expression plus multiplicative_expression |
      {minus} additive_expression minus multiplicative_expression;

   within_expression =
      {def} within lparen [range1]:assignment_expression comma
[range2]:assignment_expression rparen;

   boolean_expression =
      {above} above additive_expression |
      {below} below additive_expression |
      {before} before additive_expression |
      {after} after additive_expression |
      {within} within_expression;
   is_expression = 
      {is} is boolean_expression | 
      {isnot} is not boolean_expression;
   relational_expression =
      {add} additive_expression |
      {is} relational_expression is_expression;

   equality_expression =
      {relational} relational_expression |
      {eq} equality_expression is relational_expression |
      {ne} equality_expression is not relational_expression;
   logical_and_expression =
      {equality} equality_expression |
      {logical_and} logical_and_expression and equality_expression;

   logical_xor_expression =
      {logical_and} logical_and_expression |
      {logical_xor} logical_or_expression xor logical_and_expression;

   logical_or_expression =
      {logical_and} logical_xor_expression |
      {logical_or} logical_or_expression or logical_xor_expression;

   conditional_expression =
      {logical_or} logical_or_expression |
      {cond} if logical_or_expression then [true]:assignment_expression else
[false]: assignment_expression;

   assignment_expression =
      {cond} conditional_expression |
      {left} left_hand_side_expression assignment_operator

   assignment_operator =
      {assign} assign;

   expression =
      {assign} assignment_expression |
      {list} expression comma assignment_expression;

   literal =
        {null}    null
      | {boolean} boolean_literal
      | {numeric} numeric_literal
      | {string}  string_literal

   numeric_literal =
        {decimal} decimal_literal
      | {hex}     hex_integer_literal

   boolean_literal =
        {true}  true
      | {false} false

   statement =
      {empty} empty_statement |
      {expression} expression_statement;

   statement_list =
      {statement} statement |
      {list} statement_list statement;

   empty_statement =
      {def} semicolon;

   expression_statement =
      {def} expression semicolon;

   source_elements =
      {one} source_element |
      {list} source_elements source_element;

   source_element =
      {statement} statement;

  End ==========================================================