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xml like grammar used in sableCC

As a university project, I am currently working on creating a compiler 
that takes an XML like input with road information and then compile it
into a roadmap.
I have a working sablecc 2.x grammer for this input language, but I need
the AST part as well and therefore tries to convert it into version 3
grammar. An early (sorry the final 2.0 is overwritten by the v.3
grammar. version 2.x grammer is listed below.

When trying to complete the v3 grammar we hit a problem saying:
[41,51] t_road must be one of the elements on the left side of the arrow
 or is already refered to in this alternative.

line 41 is:
map_contents  =  road {-> New map_contents.road(t_road)};

The documentation (on the net at least) is very limited on this point
and it is very hard to transfer our grammar according to the few
examples there is on the net. 

Is there any documentation out there somwhere besides the thesis and the
links on sablecc.org?

could anyone give a small intro or somthing to how to do the
transformation so I could get an AST like this:

                          map contents
     |       |       |        |             |               |
   road    road    road       road       crossing       crossing
		     |                      |
		-----------------      (like the other)
                |    |    |     |
              coord ... coord  attr
                |               |
              ----           -------
              |  |           |     | 
              x  y          attr1 attr2

 -------------------------version 2 grammar--------------------------
Package RIS;

			t_digit = ['0' .. '9'];
			t_letter = (['a' .. 'z'] | ['A' .. 'Z']);
			t_symbol = ('*' | ',' | '.' | '-' | '_' | '|');
			t_dot = '.';

 			tab = 9;
    			cr = 13;
    			lf = 10;
			space = (' ');


				t_opentag = '<';
				t_closetag = '>';
				t_equals = '=';
				t_slash = '/';
{value->global, global->value}	t_quote = '"';
				t_coord = ('c' | 'C') ('o' | 'O') ('o' | 'O') ('r' |
'R') ('d' | 'D');
				t_map = ('m' | 'M') ('a' | 'A') ('p' | 'P');
				t_road = ('r' | 'R') ('o' | 'O') ('a' | 'A') ('d' |
				t_crossing = ('c' | 'C')  ('r' | 'R') ('o' | 'O') ('s' |
'S') ('s' | 'S') ('i' | 'I') ('n' | 'N') ('g' | 'G');
				t_connection = ('c' | 'C') ('o' | 'O') ('n' | 'N') ('n'
| 'N') ('e' | 'E') ('c' | 'C') ('t' | 'T') ('i' | 'I') ('o' | 'O') ('n'
| 'N');
				t_subroad = ('s' | 'S') ('u' | 'U') ('b' | 'B') ('r' |
'R') ('o' | 'O') ('a' | 'A') ('d' | 'D');

{global}			t_identifier = t_letter (t_letter | t_digit)*;
{value}				t_string = (t_letter | t_digit | t_symbol)*;
				t_blank = (cr lf | cr | lf | space)+;

Ignored Tokens

	start  = [leftopentag]:t_opentag [leftmap]:t_map 		
attribute* [leftclosetag]:t_closetag map_contents 		
[rightopentag]:t_opentag t_slash [rightmap]:t_map 		

	map_contents = 	crossing |
	crossing = t_crossing;
	road	= [l1]:t_opentag [l2]:t_road attribute* [l3]:t_closetag 		
road_contents [r1]:t_opentag t_slash [r2]:t_road 		
	road_contents =	coords*;

	coords = t_opentag t_coord attribute* t_slash t_closetag;
	attribute = t_identifier t_equals [l1]:t_quote t_string 		

   Kim Schulz   | Keen of Fundanemt? Want to share experieces with 
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