This is the artifact accompanying the paper titled “MiX10: Compiling MATLAB to X10 for High performance”, submitted for evaluation to the AEC for OOPSLA 2014. It contains the following files and directories: 1. MiX10.jar : An executable jar file for the MiX10 compiler. 2. library : It contains the package directories, simpleArrayLib and regionArrayLib that should be used to replace the package directory generated by default. 3. examples : Contain sample MATLAB programs that can be compiled by the MiX10 compiler. Note that for some of these programs, the generated code might need minor syntactical tweaking by hand to be able to be compiled by the X10 compiler. 4. output : An empty directory that can be used as the output directory for the generated code. 5. languages : within the subdirectories of this directory is the incomplete XML file required to make the MiX10 compiler work.