[Soot-list] how rebuild soot with exception package

John Jorgensen jorgnsn at lcd.uregina.ca
Fri Dec 3 20:56:36 EST 2004

>>>>> "mspitta" == madhu sudhan <mspitta at yahoo.com> writes:

    mspitta> i am trying to add the new package to
    mspitta> the existing soot that is soot.toolkits.exceptions
    mspitta> but i dont know how to recompile by adding these
    mspitta> java files to the soot existing package please give
    mspitta> me some help on this wiating for response

I am not sure I understand your question. By "existing soot", do
you mean soot 2.1, the most recent formal release?  

If so, then I would not expect soot.toolkits.exception to work.
I wrote soot.toolkits.exception to support the partial
reimplementation of control flow graphs, which was incorporated
into Soot after the release of Soot 2.1.  So the classes in
soot.toolkits.exception have not been tested with the 2.1
release, and I don't think there would be much point to trying to
compile them for use with 2.1.

Or are you saying that you have tried to check out the 
current development version of soot (using some subversion client;
using the svn command line client, the checkout command would be
something like:

  svn checkout https://svn.sable.mcgill.ca/soot/soot/trunk .

) and that now you are having trouble compiling the development

John Jorgensen	LCD System Administrator  jorgnsn at lcd.uregina.ca

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