[Soot-list] getThisLocal(), CHA on soot.Main

Saswat Anand saswat at cc.gatech.edu
Sat Oct 9 19:31:28 EDT 2004

> > Secondly, CHA based call graph construction crashes when applied to
> > soot.Main. This is soot2.1 -- so the problem may have been fixed in the
> Do you have steps to reproduce this bug?

It occurs when I use jdk1.3. With JDK1.4 it runs to completion, although it
takes quite sometime (28 mins) on a 2.8 GHz P4 with 512m. But since soot 2.1
needs JDK1.4, this may not be a bug -- it crashes with a msg saying unable
to resolve super class or interface for some jdk class.

Currently I am bothered by this "-i" option. Please help me out. I am trying
to compile all classes of antlr with soot. Java files are in antlr,
antlr\collections, antlr\debug and antlr\preprocessor. I am saying-

java -mx400m soot.Main -soot-classpath .\antlr.jar;%SOOTCLASSPATH%
antlr.Tool -i antlr
But it compiles just a subset of java files from each of the above
directories. How do I compile all of them?

Also the usage tutorial is probably a little unclear about this -i option.
In the above example, "-i antlr." and "-i antlr" have different effects,
which I realized when I tried them by accident. If I am misreading the doc,
please ignore.

Also I see that in src/soot/options I have just two java files -
OptionsBase.java and one more. But there are many classes in
classes/soot/options ( where "-i" is taken care of ). Why are these java
files missing? I downloaded soot2.1 released bundles.


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