AW: [Soot-list] how to get the subclass from a super class (or an interface)

Eric Bodden eric.bodden at
Fri Dec 30 10:39:58 EST 2005


You cannot simply get "the subclass", because there can be many such classes,
subclassing one specific class or implementing a certain interface.
I suppose, you would have to iterate over all classes in the scene
and for each such class check if its superclass is the given class/interface.


Von: aiwu shi
Gesendet: Di 27.12.2005 18:38
An: soot-list at
Betreff: [Soot-list] how to get the subclass from a super class (or an interface)

    I want to get the subclass from a super class (or an interface), where subclass of an interface mean the class implementing the interface. how to do that ? 
      for example, 
                SootClass sc=Scene.v().loadClassAndSupport("java.util.List");
       I want to get the subclass for sc, i.e.,    AbstractList, LinkedList.
    supposed that both of above classes are not in Scene, we can not use Hierachy/FastHierachy.

              how to get that from soot API or Java API?

         Aiwu Shi
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