[Soot-list] can't find sun.misc.Version

gk.tu at w3x.org gk.tu at w3x.org
Tue Feb 8 16:00:22 EST 2005


Since I upgraded to soot 2.2.1, I get the following exception when
trying to build the Callgraph:

Aborting: can't find classfile sun.misc.Version
at soot.Scene.getSootClass(Scene.java:374)
at soot.coffi.CFG.generateJimple(CFG.java:4609)
at soot.coffi.CFG.jimplify(CFG.java:1462)
at soot.coffi.CFG.jimplify(CFG.java:1125)
at soot.coffi.CoffiMethodSource.getBody(CoffiMethodSource.java:98)
at soot.SootMethod.getBodyFromMethodSource(SootMethod.java:80)
at soot.SootMethod.retrieveActiveBody(SootMethod.java:304)
at soot.jimple.toolkits.callgraph.OnFlyCallGraphBuilder

at soot.jimple.toolkits.callgraph.OnFlyCallGraphBuilder

at soot.jimple.toolkits.callgraph.CallGraphBuilder

My code (works with 2.1.0) looks basically like this:

sClass = Scene.v().loadClassAndSupport(classfile);
CallGraphBuilder cgb = new CallGraphBuilder(DumbPointerAnalysis.v());

cgb.build(); // <-- EXCEPTION

CallGraph cg = Scene.v().getCallGraph();
ReachableMethods rm = Scene.v().getReachableMethods();
Iterator it = rm.listener();

sun.misc.Version is definitely where it should be...
I downloaded the latest java version... still that exception
Even if I place that file manually in the classpath it doesn't get

Thx a lot! georgk

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