[Soot-list] Re: eSSA vs SSI

Navindra Umanee navindra at cs.mcgill.ca
Thu Mar 3 17:48:29 EST 2005

Yeah, holy smokes this is breaking my head too.  I'm forwarding to the
soot-list, which is a good place for this type of question in general.
Honestly MemoryEfficientGraph isn't something I've used before but it
looks like something I should have known about a long time ago...

Can anyone help with Michael's question?


mbatch at cs.mcgill.ca <mbatch at cs.mcgill.ca> wrote:
> Navin,
> Just a quick question.  Can you explain why "MemoryEfficientGraph" is
> memory efficient? The decription it gives is:
> /**
>  * A memory efficient version of HashMutableDirectedGraph, in the sense
>  * that throw-away objects passed as arguments will not be kept in the
>  * process of adding edges.
>  */
> But all it does is cache the objects in a hash keyed by the objects
> themselves, in addition to storing them in the successors and
> predecessors, etc..  Maybe I'm missing something?
> Michael

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