[Soot-list] Bug with FlowSet.difference()?

Rhodes H. F. Brown rhodesb at cs.uvic.ca
Tue Oct 18 23:51:26 EDT 2005


I've been poking through the soot.toolkits.scalar.FlowSet (and  
related classes), and I've come across some inconsistencies in the  
spec & implementations of FlowSet.difference().

The FlowSet spec (javadoc) says:
     "Returns the set difference (this join ~other) of this FlowSet  
and other..."

Based on the usual definition of "join" and "~", I read this as, "the  
union of this set and the complement of other." Is this a correct  
interpretation? If so, I believe that it is an incorrect definition  
(see http://mathworld.wolfram.com/SetDifference.html).

It would seem that FlowSet.difference() should be defined as, "the  
intersection of this set and the complement of other." Or, "this meet  

It appears that both ArrayPackedSet.difference() and  
ArraySparseSet.difference() actually implement the second (correct)  
definition, however AbstractFlowSet.difference() does not. A simple  
correction should fix it though:

--- corrected   2005-10-18 20:30:30.000000000 -0700
+++ AbstractFlowSet.java        2003-06-03 05:12:25.000000000 -0700
@@ -131,7 +131,6 @@
      Iterator it = this.toList().iterator();
      FlowSet flowSet = (other == dest)? (FlowSet)other.clone(): other;
-    dest.clear(); // now safe, since we have copies of this & other

      while (it.hasNext()) {
        Object o = it.next();

Assuming the new definition is correct, all relevant javadocs in the  
hierarchy need to be updated. Also any analyses that use a sub-class  
of AbstractFlowSet that is not ArrayPackedSet or ArraySparseSet  
should be checked since they may be using an invalid difference  

Why the nit-picking? Well, I'm in the process of re-writing the  
FlowSet hierarchy to add several enhancements including (but limited  
- update to use Java 5 generics to specify the type of a FlowSet element
- make FlowSet implement java.util.Set (and thus java.lang.Iterable,  
allowing one to use foreach with FlowSets)
- enforce an implementation of hashCode() to make FlowSets hashable
- provide faster amortized iteration over (unmodified) FlowSets

Should these updates prove stable and pleasant, I will happily offer  
them back to the soot community.


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