[Soot-list] how to optimize with soot

Szasz Pal space at spacesoftwarestudio.com
Thu Oct 20 12:58:57 EDT 2005


I was searching the internet for some java bytecode optimizer program, 
when I found soot. I tried it with the attached (compiled) class file 
using the following command line:

$ java -classpath 
soot.Main -d out -process-dir in -cp 
in:/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2/jre/lib/rt.jar -O

The compiled A.class is in the 'in' subdirectory.
The resulted file in the 'out' subdirectory is smaller (514 vs 600 
bytes), but if I decompile it I get:

   static public void main(String[] s1) {

I would expected it to be inlined, ie. to get something like:

   static public void main(String[] s1) {
     field = 10;

What am I doing wrong? Or have I misunderstood something, and soot is 
not designed for this?

Thank you in advance!

Best regards,
Szasz Pal
Space Software Studio
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