[Soot-list] urgent query rearding soot 2.1.0

nishkam ravi nishkamravi at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 30 15:43:07 EST 2005

Thanks Venkatesh! I'm now using "soot-current"
available from bandera project webpage. I'm a
first-time Indus user. I'm having trouble using
DependencyXMLizerCLI given in the example directory. 
I was wondering if you would be able to help.

1. I have xmlenc0.51, as 0.48 is not available
anymore, and I'm getting some errors because of that.
Is there somewhere I can get 0.48 from?

2. I'm running DependencyXMLizerCLI on a six-line java
code. It gives me the following error, if I include a
System.out.println statement in the program:

java.lang.RuntimeException: Attempting to push a
non-constant cp entry

Works fine if I comment out the System.out.println
statement. Thanks for your help. 


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