[Soot-list] No active body

Eduardo S. Cordeiro cordeiro at dcc.ufmg.br
Thu Jan 19 12:00:46 EST 2006

Hello there,

I have followed the "createclass" example with no difficulties and read 
on the "On the Soot menagerie" tutorial. In my program, I was trying to 
remove some methods from a class loaded by Soot, via the 
SootClass.removeMethod(SootMethod) method. When I tried to write the 
class to Jimple format (using the code provided as part of the 
"createclass" example), I got a RuntimeException on method 
Printer.printTo saying that there is "no active body for method <init>". 
Using Jasmin to write a class file also produces this error.

I thought this might have been something wrong in my method-deletion 
code, so I removed it. The program thus simply loads a given class and 
tries to write that class back to file with no changes, but I still get 
the same error. Further investigation shows that apparently ALL methods 
have no active body after the class is loaded by Soot (via 

What am I doing wrong?

Eduardo Cordeiro

PS.: I am using the Soot, Jasmin and Polyglot classes provided on the 
Soot Eclipse plugin version 2.2.2 in my classpath

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