[Soot-list] jb.use-original-names option, local variables

Eric Bodden eric.bodden at mail.mcgill.ca
Thu Jul 6 09:51:48 EDT 2006

> Is it possible to use distinct local variables for each new object
> created while still enjoying the benefit of original names?

So you want multiple distinct variables with one and the same name? I am
very much sure that the Jimple IR assumes that each variable has its own
name. Hence, this should be impossible. What you could do is possibly
use something like SSA-form where variables are indexed but use the
original name as prefix or so. Or you could manually store a mapping to
the original name. Also you can use the Local Splitter (jb.ls) and
Jimple Local Aggregator (jb.a) to switch between the split and
aggregated local variable representation.


Eric Bodden
Sable Research Group, McGill University
Montreal, Canada

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