[Soot-list] Possible bug in Pack transformations

Andy Maule a.maule at cs.ucl.ac.uk
Wed Mar 1 06:10:13 EST 2006


I'm extending soot to do some flow analysis. I want to analyse the entire
program that is passed in. I'm assuming that I should be using the
SceneTransformer rather than the BodyTransformer.

At the moment I'm using a the following code to add a pack..

        			new Transform("jtp.flowanalysis",

If FlowTransformer is derived from BodyTransformer, then everything works
ok, but I'm going to have to analyse each method in turn, and build up my
app that way. If FlowTransformer is derived from SceneTransformer then a
cast exception gets thrown, because it looks like a body transformer is

Is this behaviour by design? I can't find any information about this in the
API docs or the tutorials. 

I'm very new to soot, so I could of course be doing this entirely the wrong
way :)


Andy Maule

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