[Soot-list] EdgesOutOf matching call sites

Yin Liu liuy at cs.rpi.edu
Wed Mar 8 22:49:05 EST 2006

Hi, I found that when running on a large program, in reachable methods, for some call sites, I couldn't find any SootMethod returned by EdgesOutOf(SootMethod) matches with the call site method. Here the matching rule is that : methods have same name, and call site method's decaring class should be a super class(in hierarchy chain) of EdgesOutOf returned method's declaring class. 
I am sure that the call site's receiver is not null(has reaching objects). And the callee methods (basing on receiver reaching objects' sootclass, find the target callee methods), also could be reached (according to callgraph). Is there any reason cause this situation?
  Yin Liu
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