[Soot-list] How can I avoid the java.lang.VerifyError?

Sunny sunfire001 at gmail.com
Mon May 8 13:52:12 EDT 2006


I am trying to record the values of a local variable before and after an
assignment to it. Below
I listed my code snippet to achieve this and described two problems.

The source code to be instrumented (part of TestInvoke.java):

public void test()
   String x;
   x = "from test";

The method to report the value as well as the containing context:

public static void reportLocal(Object enclosingObj, Object value)
   System.out.println("enclosing = " + enclosingObj + ", value = " + value);

And finally, the code in internalTransform to insert statements:

 Vector args = new Vector();
 InvokeExpr reportExpr = Jimple.v().newStaticInvokeExpr(reportLocal.makeRef(),
 Stmt reportStmtBefore = Jimple.v().newInvokeStmt(reportExpr);
 // Stmt reportStmtAfter = Jimple.v().newInvokeStmt(reportExpr);
 units.insertBefore(reportStmtBefore, stmt);
 // units.insertAfter(reportStmtAfter, stmt);

The above code only injects an invoke statement before the assignment.


After the TestInvoke.java is instrumented and executed, I always got the

java.lang.VerifyError: (class: src/TestInvoke, method: test signature: ()V)
Accessing value from uninitialized register 1
Exception in thread "main"

How should I avoid this error and obtain the variable's value before
assignment? It worked if I only injected
invoke statements AFTER the assignment, as the commented lines show.

There are two kinds of local variables in a jimple method, those implicitly
defined by
jimple representing stack positions, and those that are explicitly defined
by a user's program. Can I distinguish
these two simply by using Local#getName().startsWith("$"))?

Thank you very much for any help!

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