[Soot-list] Possible bug in PatchingChain.insertBefore(List, Object)

Henry Falconer falconer21 at hotmail.com
Wed May 31 13:07:28 EDT 2006

I'm working on a plugin for the AspectBench Compiler (abc), which depends on 
Soot and there seems to be a bug in the method 
PatchingChain.insertBefore(List, Object), or some method it depends on, 
relating to redirecting branches.

As far as I can tell, all 'if' statements have their targets redirected to 
the top of the List of Objects to insert, whereas the targets should just be 
left alone. PatchingChain.insertAfter appears not to be affected.

I hope this isn't a recent fix and that I haven't used any methods 

Many thanks,
Henry Falconer

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