[Soot-list] Re(de)compilation of unmodified .class files

Patrick Lam plam at cs.mcgill.ca
Wed Apr 11 08:48:58 EDT 2007

Mario Mendez wrote:
> For each .class C I want to generate another file C' in some arbitrary
> representation. So, for the example described so far, if the application
> is just files A and B, I will output A' and B'. Therefore, if B did not
> change, there is no point in generating the same B' again.
> Summary of my goal, then: for each classfile C that did change since
> last compilation, I want to generate a C'. That is independent of
> whether C is an application or library class: if it can be reached from
> the main and it changed, I would like to run my Transformer on it.
> The question, again, is whether this "on-demand" transform is provided
> already in Soot in some way.

I still don't know what you're doing with each class, say A or B.  When
you read A, do you need information about B or not?  If you don't, then
you can set B to be a library class, i.e. you can explicitly specify the
classes that you want to transform by only passing the changed classes
to Soot.

Soot does not have any notion of changed classes. You'd have to
implement it yourself. But it's not clear that it matters, because you
don't know what's taking a lot of time in your case.


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