[Soot-list] How to add a Transform to the jb phase?

Mario Mendez mario at cs.unm.edu
Sat Dec 8 16:12:31 EST 2007

I though about that, but then we have to run in Whole Program mode, 
which is waaaayyyyy slower. If anyone can suggest an alternative, 
without entering in Whole mode, I will appreciate it!


Eric Bodden wrote:
> Hmm, ok I just found out that the phases in "jb" are hardcoded. I have
> no idea why that is. (Anybody?)
> However, from the code of PackManager it seems that you should be able
> to make modifications in any of the following packs:
> cg, wjtp, wjop, wjap
> Those packs should run after "jb" but before Shimple creation. The
> only problem with that is that all those four packs are ScenePacks.
> Hence, you need a SceneTransformer, not a BodyTransformer. That's not
> really problematic, though. It only means that you need to call your
> BodyTransformer from the SceneTransformer manually, for the body of
> each concrete method of each application class.
> Hope that helps,
> Eric
> On 08/12/2007, Mario Mendez <mario at cs.unm.edu> wrote:
>> No, that's the puzzling thing to me. If you add a Transform to the jb in
>> that way, it will not be called. Just in case, I explicitly invoked:
>>         Options.v().setPhaseOption("jb.emg", "on");
>> but it didn't really change anything.
>> Eric Bodden wrote:
>>> Hi, Mario.
>>> If I remember correctly, there is no difference to other packs. Does
>>> this here not work?
>>> public class MySootMainExtension
>>> {
>>>     public static void main(String[] args) {
>>>         // Inject the analysis tagger into Soot
>>>         PackManager.v().getPack("jb").add(
>>>         new Transform("jb.mytransform",
>>>                                MyTransform.instance()));
>>>         // Invoke soot.Main with arguments given
>>>         Main.main(args);
>>>     }
>>> }
>>> (adapted from the Soot Survivor's guide http://www.brics.dk/SootGuide/)
>>> Eric
>>> On 08/12/2007, Mario Mendez <mario at cs.unm.edu> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I need to add a Transform at the end of the jb phase in order to be able
>>>> to manipulate the IR before it is transformed to SSA in the shimple
>>>> phase. I couldn't find any way of doing it that does not imply modifying
>>>> the Soot source, which is undesirable. Can you suggest any solution?
>>>> Normally we add the transformations to jtp or stp, but what if, like in
>>>> this case, you want them to be in jb?
>>>> Thanks!
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