[Soot-list] clone implementations in Soot

Oege de Moor Oege.de.Moor at comlab.ox.ac.uk
Sat Dec 15 08:33:57 EST 2007

While playing around with Soot in SemmleCode, I noticed there
are two places where executing the clone method will definitely
lead to a class cast exception:


The reason is that in both these cases, the object is constructed
by calling super.clone, but the super class just calls one of
its own constructors, instead of also calling super.clone.
It is bad practice to do that in implementations of clone,
and indeed the doc of java.lang.Object.clone() states:

"By convention, the returned object should be obtained by calling
super.clone. If a class and all of its superclasses (except Object)
obey this convention, it will be the case that
x.clone().getClass() == x.getClass(). "

The SemmleCode query to find the above two bugs is

predicate isclone(Method m) {
    m.hasName("clone") and
    m.hasNoParameters() and
    not m.hasModifier("abstract")

from Method c, Method sc
where c.fromSource() and
       isclone(c) and
       isclone(sc) and
       c.callsSuper(sc) and
       not sc.getDeclaringType().hasName("Object") and
       not(exists(Method ssc | isclone(ssc) and sc.callsSuper(ssc)))
select c.getDeclaringType().getPackage(),c.getDeclaringType(),c 

Probing a little further, the following query demonstrates that
there are 504 places in Soot where the same problem is
waiting to happen:

from Method c
where c.fromSource() and
       isclone(c) and
       not exists(Method sc | c.callsSuper(sc) and isclone(sc))
select c.getDeclaringType().getPackage(), c

That is, it finds 504 implementations of "clone" that do not
make a "super.clone" call.

To put that in perspective, there are 4 implementations of "clone"
in abc exhibiting the same problem, all in the around weaver.

In all of polyglot (including the extensions distributed with it),
there are 12 such suspicious clone methods.

I learnt of these queries from Julian Tibble; variations of them
are included with the distribution of SemmleCode.

Is anyone game for collaborating on a library of coding conventions
for Soot?

DISCLAIMER: I'm the CEO of Semmle Ltd, the company that produces
SemmleCode, so this message is a shameless product plug. The product
is free, however...

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