[Soot-list] Tracking public static final fields

oksana at ksu.edu oksana at ksu.edu
Fri Feb 16 17:26:33 EST 2007

Hello dear sooters,
I would like to track public static final fields, e.g., if I have

int i = Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL; //where Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL = 0

I would like Jimple that looks like

i = <java.awt.Scrollbar: int HORIZONTAL>;

In the past, I have used Java-to-Jimple front end of soot and it happily
preserved references to public static final fields. I recently updated
to the latest version of soot and even Java-to-Jimple transformation
seems to produce optimized code, where references to public static
final fields are replaced with their const values, i.e.,

i = 0;

Here is the question: are there some options in soot to avoid such
optimization or, given that optimization occured, is there some way to
still recover references to public static final fields?

Thank you,

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