[Soot-list] Shimple -> Continuation Passing Style

Chris Pickett chris.pickett at mail.mcgill.ca
Tue Jan 30 00:02:42 EST 2007

Chris Pickett wrote:

> Well, you'll have this CPS IR, and therefore you'll also have a SableCC 
> grammar for that IR (unless for some reason you intend on building your 
> CPS IR without a grammar, but I don't recommend that), and so finally 
> you'll also have a mechanism to print out something in that 
> IR---literally ast.toString() IIRC.  (I possibly don't.)

Although, you may well be right, and it might actually be easier not to 
try and recreate what SableCC would generate if it were to parse a 
.toy_cps input file using your CPS grammar.  I'm not sure.


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