[Soot-list] Simple Interprocedural Analysis

Armand Navabi anavabi at purdue.edu
Tue Jul 17 19:20:35 EDT 2007

Anyone know of a complete example that demonstrates interprocedural 
analysis in Soot?  I have been able to find many intraprocedural data 
flow analyses, but the survivor's guide (and any other tutorial I have 
found) only contain bits and pieces of code for interprocedural 
analysis.  Another problem is that I am using soot 2.2.2 and it seems 
that everything I find is for older versions of soot.

While I have been able to implement any intraprocedural analysis I want, 
I have played around a lot with it and have been unable to get anything 
interprocedural working.  Any small example online or in a tutorial?  
Even something as simple as getting the call graph and then printing all 
the methods that could potentially be called at a call site.


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