[Soot-list] jdk 1.5 partial support.

Joe Pellegrino joe.pellegrino at lakota-tsi.com
Wed Jul 18 10:14:17 EDT 2007

I noticed on the installation instructions it mentions 'partial' support for
jdk 1.5. What does that mean? Could that be the cause of the crash that

169 load.r r0     [***missing***]
170 jsr pop  10   [***missing***]
java.lang.RuntimeException: Problem with stack height at: goto specialinvoke
<java.lang.Object: void <init>()>

Has Stack [] but is expecting []

I ask because I did get this to work on a laptop using jdk1.4 I believe;
whereas on the machine that produced the above output was using java 
1.5.0_09. Anyone have some advice?

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