[Soot-list] jdk 1.5 partial support.

mbatch at cs.mcgill.ca mbatch at cs.mcgill.ca
Wed Jul 18 11:48:04 EDT 2007

Hello Joe,

I should have mentioned in my last email that the error you are seeing:

> 169 load.r r0     [***missing***]
> 170 jsr pop  10   [***missing***]
> java.lang.RuntimeException: Problem with stack height at:
> goto specialinvoke <java.lang.Object: void <init>()>
> Has Stack [] but is expecting []

Is a result of the obfuscator performing "security checks" (I just made
that up, see?).. Basically, it checks to see if changes made by the
obfuscator to the bytecode have improperly screwed with the stack heights
in each method - sort of a mini-verifier. I had added this in as an
exception since a problem with the stack height is going to result in a
broken program, and there is no point in giving you the output.

The real culprit of all this probably is, as Eric mentioned, a bug in the
obfuscator somewhere. I will spend some time to try and track it down this


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