[Soot-list] excluding javax.realtime.ImmortalMemory

Chris Pickett chris.pickett at mail.mcgill.ca
Sun Jun 24 11:48:58 EDT 2007

Hi Eric,

Eric Bodden wrote:
> Hi, Chris. From what I know the very least Soot has to have is a
> phantom class. If that does not suffice, then this means that you need
> at least resolving level HIERARCHY and this you do not usually get
> without the actual class. As you run in whole-program mode I see not
> really an option of not including those classes anyway.
> So I think the easiest would be to really include the Java TRS
> classes. Does anything speak against doing so?

Yes: they don't come with the SDK.  The realtime classes aren't actually 
used by any common benchmarks either.  The only jar file I'm exluding is 
dt.jar, which is some DesignTime archive of BeanInfo files that has 
nothing to do with javax.realtime.

Furthermore, I'm not even sure if these classes are available at all for 
AIX... it looks like Linux only, as part of WebSphere Real Time.

So basically, it seems like there must be some unresolvable reference to 
javax.realtime.ImmortalMemory somewhere in the SDK.

I'll try and do the transformations on the lab machines with Sun's SDK 
and ship the modified applications over the network...


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