[Soot-list] Type numbers

Patrick Lam plam at sable.mcgill.ca
Fri May 4 22:43:04 EDT 2007

Eric Bodden wrote:
> Soot it not actually doing anything random - although it might
> sometimes appear so ;-)
> So actually as long as the input is the same, the numbers should be
> the same as well, I suppose. Still it's nothing one should
> conceptually rely on.

The reason that Soot sometimes varies its output between runs is that 
sometimes things come out of hash tables in different orders, perhaps 
because they can have different System.identityHashCodes in different 
runs. We have tried to make Soot never have that behaviour, but we might 
have missed a couple of cases.

As for Soot.Type, in principle that should be fairly deterministic: the 
types should consistently get created in the same order. There's even a 
list and not a hash set of classes to be resolved. But don't count on 
the stability of the numbers for anything really important.


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