[Soot-list] Re: Switching Soot (and paddle) to Java 5 tomorrow

Eric Bodden eric.bodden at mail.mcgill.ca
Wed May 16 16:40:29 EDT 2007

Ok, I just switched the build scripts and aaplied the following changes to Soot:

1.) generic type inference
This worked in a lot of cases but not in all of them. In particular,
some people really do use heterogeneous Collections !!! Those now have
type WhatEverCollection<Object>. Please fix those collections in the
future, as you come along them.

2.) code cleanup (since I was updating so many files anyway)
Removed unnecessary import and dead code. Converted for-loops to the
new format, where possible.

In the near future I plan to make the flow analysis framework generic
so that we can get rid of all those casts.

>From now on I encourage everybody to make use of the Java 5 features
as they really *do* improve code maintenance.


Eric Bodden
Sable Research Group
McGill University, Montréal, Canada

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