[Soot-list] Help (fwd)

mbatch at cs.mcgill.ca mbatch at cs.mcgill.ca
Fri May 18 15:58:31 EDT 2007

On Fri, May 18, 2007 3:30 pm, Philippe Laporte wrote:
> I've just used SOOT to process my J2ME-CLDC app.
> The total size has increased, and I have not been yet able to measure
> any performance improvements.

The reality is that you may not see any performance improvements. Some
applications might see small improvements and others might see some
slowdowns. Furthermore, the more latent a program the less bump you'll see
for obvious reasons.

Soot performs a lot of different transformations. Some will result in
negative performance gains due to the specific code in question.

> Can we expect a size increase with all speed increases (inlining?)

Certainly, some optimizations will increase the size of the program -
especially inlining. However, not all will and I do not think there is any
option to enable only those that reduce size.

> I think the J2ME-CLDC community should be most enthusiastic about
> using SOOT in a SOOT | obfuscator pipeline.

You may try Java bytecode shrinking tools such as JShrink if size is a big
factor for you (as it seems it would be) but I suspect you know this
already. Additionally, Soot now has an obfuscating module called JBCO
which performs some pretty interesting and new obfuscations, many of which
have very limited size and performance penalties.



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