[Soot-list] Problem with classpath / J2ME

Marco Kaufmann marco5327 at yahoo.de
Thu May 24 01:55:26 EDT 2007

>  //  hack for J2ME library, reported by Stephen Cheng 
>    if (!G.v().isJ2ME) {
>      typeVariable(hierarchy.CLONEABLE);
>      typeVariable(hierarchy.SERIALIZABLE);
>    } 
  OK, just setting isJ2ME = true it works fine now. However, why is this 
  field public final and why isn't there a command line option to set it? 
  I changed it to public static and added the option "-j2me", which sets 
  it true.
  There was still one minor problem, namely line 239:
  in soot.toolkits.exceptions.ThrowableSet throwed a NullPointerException. 
  I just outcommented this line and it works, but I hope this won't have 
  unwanted side effects?

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