[Soot-list] Printing an ExceptionalUnitGraph

John Jorgensen jorgnsn at lcd.uregina.ca
Sun Nov 4 16:12:41 EST 2007

>>>>> "irem" == irem  <irem at nada.kth.se> writes:

    irem>  public String toString() {
    irem>         Iterator it = unitChain.iterator();
    irem>         StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
    irem>         while(it.hasNext()) {
    irem>             Unit u = (Unit) it.next();

    irem>             buf.append("// preds: "+getPredsOf(u)+"\n");
    irem>             buf.append("// unexceptional preds:
    irem> "+getUnexceptionalPredsOf(u)+"\n");
    irem>             buf.append("// exceptional preds:
    irem> "+getExceptionalPredsOf(u)+"\n");
    irem>             buf.append(u.toString() + '\n');
    irem>             buf.append("// exception destinations:
    irem> "+getExceptionDests(u)+"\n");
    irem>             buf.append("// unexceptional succs:
    irem> "+getUnexceptionalPredsOf(u)+"\n");
    irem>             buf.append("// exceptional succs:
    irem> "+getExceptionalPredsOf(u)+"\n");
    irem>             buf.append("// succs "+getSuccsOf(u)+"\n");
    irem>         }

    irem>         return buf.toString();
    irem>     }

    irem> As you see, it does not print the successors, rather again the
    irem> predecessors. 

You're right, it's wrong.  Thanks for pointing out the error.

Somebody else must have noticed this last summer, since Eric
Bodden committed a fix to the Soot repository in July.  

That fix was too recent to make it into the Soot 2.2.4 release,
but I think you could simply download the single corrected file


and use it to replace the file in the 2.2.4 source.

Incidentally, since you're inspecting control flow graphs, I'd
suggest you try out Soot's "--dump-cfg <phasename>" option, which
produces input files that you can feed to the "dot" command (from 
graphviz, http://www.graphviz.org) in order to generate
visualizations of the CFGs.  

You need to learn a bit about Soot's phase structure in order to
know what to put in place of <phasename>, but I found the
resulting CFG pictures easier to interpret than textual
representations.  Come to think of it, it could be that the
reason I never noticed the bug in ExceptionalUnitGraph.toString()
was that I always looked at the visualizations instead.

There's more about using the CFG visualizations in the mailing
list archive, at

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