[Soot-list] Potential Bug: soot.AbstractJasminClass:698 and 434

Wouter De Borger w.deborger at gmail.com
Wed Oct 3 08:28:34 EDT 2007

Hi people,

I've been working with soot for a few weeks and I think I found a potential

I'm posting here before I go to bugzilla,

if I shouldn't, tell me.

I'm trying to emit a class attribute to jasmin, but AbstractJasminClass uses
Attribute.getValue() instead of JasminAttribute.getJasminValue(Map

soot.baf.JasminClass overrides emitMethodBody and corrects the 'bug' for
method attributes.

Is it correct that it should not use getValue() or is this code written this
way for a reason. If so, what is this reason.

I hope I make sense

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