[Soot-list] Soot tutorials

Eric Bodden eric.bodden at mail.mcgill.ca
Thu Aug 21 10:57:46 EDT 2008

Hi all.

During the last months we noticed that some questions about the basic
usage of Soot just keep popping up again and again, which suggests
that at least beginners are still lacking proper documentation. I plan
to address this through a series of blog posts in the near future,
which explain basic usage of Soot on the command line, as a framework
and through Soot's Eclipse plugin.

The posts will be accessible from
http://www.bodden.de/tag/soot-tutorial/ and I will also link to them
from Soot's website.

Today's tutorial covers the following topics:

# Obtaining Soot
# Soot's command line

    * Processing single files
          o Soot's classpath
    * Processing directories
    * Processing certain types of files (.java, .class, .jimple, …)
    * Appplication classes vs. library classes
    * Output of .java and .jimple files

# Phase options

You are welcome to leave comments, corrections and suggestions for
further tutorials on the blog website.


Eric Bodden
Sable Research Group
McGill University, Montréal, Canada

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