[Soot-list] "Domain cannot be 90 > 64 bits"

MAEDA Naoto n-maeda at bp.jp.nec.com
Thu Feb 7 21:04:09 EST 2008

Khilan Gudka wrote:
> I'm experimenting with paddle and have come across a slight problem. It 
> only seems to allow call strings of maximum length 3. If I specify a 
> larger value like 5, I get an error like "Domain cannot be 90 > 64 
> bits".** It seems to be using 18 bits per call string element. How can I 
> set the call string length to something much larger?
> My paddle options are: conf:ofcg,context:kcfa,k:n,backend:buddy

You may want to see soot.jimple.paddle.bdddomains.StmtDomain.jedd. By
reducing the bit width for StmtDomain and re-compiling paddle you may
increase the maximum length for call string unless number of statements
to be analyzed is small enough, I think.

  MAEDA Naoto, Common Platform Software Research Laboratories, NEC

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