[Soot-list] Beginner's question: Making tutorial/guide/examples/call_graph example work

Patrick Lam plam at cs.mcgill.ca
Thu Jan 3 21:03:19 EST 2008

Michal Young wrote:
> I am new to Soot, and trying to use the examples distributed with the
> tutorial as a gentle introduction to the API (along with the supplied
> documentation, of course).   Unfortunately I seem to be doing something
> very basic wrong, because the provided example
> tutorial/guide/examples/call_graph is not working for me --- the
> classfile java.lang.Object is not being found even though it is on

Hi Michal,

I'm not sure why the Soot class path doesn't seem to be getting set, but
you can definitely set it explicitly with a call to
Scene.v().setSootClassPath(). You can also print it with
getSootClassPath. Good luck!


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