[Soot-list] shimple problem in svn; patch included

William Benton willb at cs.wisc.edu
Thu Jan 17 15:09:44 EST 2008

Soot friends,

I've gotten an ArrayStoreException deep inside shimple consistently  
while constructing the SSA representation of a program.  I'm running  
the latest nightly build; I did not have this problem in 2.2.4.

Here's my environment, in case you need it to reproduce the bug:   
Intel Mac, OS X 10.5, Apple JDK 1.5 and 1.6, analyzing against GNU  
Classpath 0.92.  Running SPARK on any program in whole-shimple mode  
will cause this problem.  I used the following command-line arguments,  
where GNU_CP is the location of the Classpath zip and "foo" is a class  
that contains only an empty main method:

java -Xmx2000m soot.Main -cp ${GNU_CP}:.  -x soot. -x apple. -x  
com.apple.  -keep-offset -p cg.spark enabled -via-shimple -ws -full- 
resolver -include-all -outjar -output-dir foo.jar -app foo

The problem is on line 102 of SPatchingChain, which tries to construct  
an array of Units from an collection of UnitBoxes.  I have attached a  
very simple patch that seems to eliminate the bug, but I am not by any  
means an expert on soot internals, and I might be missing something.   
(In case the mailing list strips attachments, the patch is also  
available at http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~willb/soot-3099.diff )

(As an aside, the SPARK fixes in the current SVN head make it *much*  
faster than 2.2.4 -- thanks!)


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