[Soot-list] Enquery on the handling of Interprocedure-CFG

Eric Bodden eric.bodden at mail.mcgill.ca
Thu Nov 6 11:34:39 EST 2008


>      Is SOOT able to construct inter-procedure CFG and do inter-procedural
> data and control flow analysis with ready made function? Any program snippet
> available?

I guess the short answer would be "no". Interprocedural analyses are
very different and it would be very hard to provide a framework that
fits all.

>        Also, Does any one used the toolkit called WALA? How does WALA
> compared to SOOT when doing inter-procedure CFG data/control analysis? In
> general, what is the respective strength between WALA and soot?

I cannot answer that question, unfortunately, but if somebody knows I
would be happy to hear about it, too.


Eric Bodden
Sable Research Group, McGill University, Montréal, Canada
Got an interesting job offer? http://www.bodden.de/hire-me/

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