[Soot-list] difficulty in using getUnexceptionalPredsOf

Manjiri Namjoshi manjiri.namjoshi at googlemail.com
Thu Sep 4 17:24:28 EDT 2008


I am interested to get all the predecessors of a block which do not belong
to exception handling blocks.
I have a code something like this:
while(i < 10000) {
      try {
         -- some code
      } catch (java.lang.ArithmeticException e) {
        if (i %2 != 0)
          return "Should not throw odd exceptions!";

This code produces 3 blocks corresponding to the catch body.

I tried the following:

ExceptionalBlockGraph eg = new ExceptionalBlockGraph(b); // b is the body

did not work for me.

I am doing anything wrong?

Thank You.

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