[Soot-list] Memory problems in whole-program-mode

Michael Pradel michael at binaervarianz.de
Wed Aug 19 07:57:49 EDT 2009


I run SOOT to construct a call graph and currently use the SPARK
points-to analysis. Unfortunately, the analysis crashes with an
OutOfMemoryError for larger applications (> 50KLOC), although I start it
with -Xss512M -Xmx3700M.
Is there a way to give up some precision to use less memory? In
particular, I'd like to ignore library code, assuming that no callbacks
to the rest of the application happen. This would be unsound, of course,
but better than no call graph at all.


My configuration:
SOOT 2.3, started from Eclipse, IBM J9 VM (build 2.4)

michael at binaervarianz.de
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