[Soot-list] ***SPAM*** how to serialize an object of Stmt in soot

dingsun xyz031702 at hotmail.com
Wed Dec 30 00:26:08 EST 2009

Dear Khilan

        Thanks for suggestions. However it will be quite infeasible to mark every attributes. Because Stmt is a super class, I have to mark every attributes for its subclasses.  But I will try it.   Are there any other ways superior than this to persist Stmt?


Best Regards,

Ding Sun 

From: khilan at doc.ic.ac.uk
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 2009 16:52:59 +0000
Subject: Re: [Soot-list] ***SPAM*** how to serialize an object of Stmt in soot
To: xyz031702 at hotmail.com
CC: soot-list at sable.mcgill.ca

Sorry, I should have elaborated. 

When serialising an object in Java, all objects reachable from it are also serialised (unless the reference is marked "transient"). An object of type SootClass must be reachable from the Stmt instance and therefore needs to be serialised too.


2009/12/29 Khilan Gudka <khilan at doc.ic.ac.uk>

Dear Ding Sun,

The problem is that while Stmt does implement the Serializable interface, SootClass doesn't. One solution would be to make SootClass implement the Serializable interface.


2009/12/29 dingsun <xyz031702 at hotmail.com>

Dear Sir/Madam
        I'm using soot to process some large systems. I plan to serialize some objects of soot.jimple.Stmt and write them to hardisk to clear memory space. However when doing the serialization, no matter what actually the Stmt instance is(definitions stmt, ifstmt, invoke, etc.), the following error message is given:
java.io.NotSerializableException: soot.SootClass
I have checked the soot JavaDOC and found Stmt(http://www.sable.mcgill.ca/soot/doc/soot/jimple/Stmt.html) has extended the "Serializable" as super-class . So why the above exception will be thrown out? Is there any solutions for this ?
Urgently expecting any suggestions.
Thanks very much and best regards,
Sincerely, Ding Sun

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