[Soot-list] Extracting information from Spark

Antonina Khairova antonina.khairova at vxu.se
Thu Feb 5 09:15:48 EST 2009

Hi all. I gave just started work with Spark in my Eclipse project.
I would like to know how I can extract the information after the code was analyzed by Spark. I do it like this:
I go through all the classes and through all the methods in the class, look for statements there and then If the statement includes local variables I put the line of va and var in the hash map. Then I process the statements again and look for assign statements, so the part of my code look like this:

if (s instanceof AssignStmt)


System.out.println("AssignStatement: " + ((AssignStmt)s).toString() + " :line:"+ line);

Value leftOp = ((AssignStmt) s).getLeftOp();

Value rightOp = ((AssignStmt) s).getRightOp();

String left = "";

String right = "";

if (leftOp instanceof JimpleLocal)


JimpleLocal jl = (JimpleLocal)leftOp;

if (jl.getName().charAt(0)== '$')


refer.put(leftOp, rightOp);


if (jl.getName().charAt(0) != '$')


left = "[JL: type " + jl.getType() + " from line " + map.get(leftOp) + "]";



else if (leftOp instanceof JInstanceFieldRef)


JInstanceFieldRef ifr = (JInstanceFieldRef)leftOp;

SootFieldRef fr = ifr.getFieldRef();

left = "[FR: Class " + fr.declaringClass().toString() + "(line " + map.get(ifr.getBaseBox().getValue()).toString() + ")" + ", field: " + fr.name() + "]";


if (rightOp instanceof JimpleLocal)


JimpleLocal jl = (JimpleLocal)rightOp;

if (jl.getName().charAt(0) == '$')



Type type =jl.getType();

int numb =jl.getNumber();

String name =jl.getName();



if (jl.getName().charAt(0) != '$')


right = "[JL: type " + jl.getType() + " from line " + map.get(rightOp) + "]";



else if (rightOp instanceof JInstanceFieldRef)


JInstanceFieldRef ifr = (JInstanceFieldRef)rightOp;

SootFieldRef fr = ifr.getFieldRef();

right = "[FR: Class " + fr.declaringClass().toString() + "(line " + map.get(ifr.getBaseBox().getValue()).toString() + ")" + ", field: " + fr.name() + "]";


if (left.length() > 0 && right.length() > 0)

System.out.println("====="+left + "====" + right);

lastStmt = (AssignStmt)s;


Im not really sure that is the right desision, I think should be more clever than this one. But I haven't found any examples how to extract the information from Spark.

Looking forward hearing your answers.

Thanks for help. Antonina
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