[Soot-list] one question about InfoFlowAnalysis in the package soot.jimple.toolkits.infoflow

jiangfan shi jiangfan.shi at gmail.com
Mon Jan 5 03:42:28 EST 2009

Hi, All,

I am trying to use InfoFlowAnalysis to analyze my program, but I did
not see an expected data flow edges among different methods in
different classes. By digging into the data flow graph for methods, I
did not see edges among local variables in methods.

To make my problem obvious to us, I created a tiny program, and I
could not get an expected data flow dependency relationships among
method and the local variable dependency information inside methods.
Anybody can give me some hints? Or do I miss some options

I listed my small program, the analysis arguments, the jimple file and
the analyzed results (variable dependency directed graph) in the

My program:

package smallexample;

public class Main4 {

	static int fee1,fee2,fee3;

        public static void main(String[] args){

Analysis arguments:

-w -main-class smallexample.Main4 -p cg.spark rta:true  -f jimple
--app smallexample.Main4

Jimple file:

public class smallexample.Main4 extends java.lang.Object
    static int fee1;
    static int fee2;
    static int fee3;

    public void <init>()
        smallexample.Main4 r0;

        r0 := @this: smallexample.Main4;
        specialinvoke r0.<java.lang.Object: void <init>()>();

    public static void main(java.lang.String[])
        java.lang.String[] r0;
        int $i0, $i1, $i2, $i3;

        r0 := @parameter0: java.lang.String[];
        <smallexample.Main4: int fee1> = 10;
        $i0 = <smallexample.Main4: int fee1>;
        $i1 = $i0 + 2;
        <smallexample.Main4: int fee2> = $i1;
        $i2 = <smallexample.Main4: int fee2>;
        $i3 = $i2 + 3;
        <smallexample.Main4: int fee3> = $i3;

Analyzed results:

=============method<smallexample.Main4: void
main(java.lang.String[])>'s info flow graph ============
Node = r0
     @parameter0: java.lang.String[]
Node = @parameter0: java.lang.String[]

There is no a generated dependency graph for the class level, and
further more for the method, main(), I did not see fee1<-fee2<-fee3,
which means fee3 depends on fee2 which depends on fee1.

Any hint is highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!


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