[Soot-list] spark problem with "keep-original-names" option

Eric Bodden eric.bodden at mail.mcgill.ca
Tue Jul 14 10:59:56 EDT 2009

Ok, I can see what is causing the problem. It's these lines...

> $r1 = new Item
> i1 = $r1
> $r1 = new Item
> i2 = $r1

As you probably know, Spark is flow-insensitive, i.e. it "sees" the
above statements as a set (!) of subset constraints. Because $r1 is
assigned both to i1 and i2, Spark does therefore not know whether the
value of $r1 from the first assignment "$r1 = new Item" or the one
from the second assignment "$r1 = new Item" is assigned to i1,
respectively i2.

When you enable use-original-names, then Soot will rename the first
$r1 to a variable different from the second $r1 and therefore you get
different, more precise equations.

The solution to your problem is applying the LocalSplitter to every method:

Normally, the splitter is enabled by default:

I wonder why this does not happen in your case. How are you creating
the Jimple code? Are you calling soot.Main.main(..) at all?


Eric Bodden
Sable Research Group, McGill University
Montréal, Québec, Canada

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