[Soot-list] call graph

James Hamilton jameshamilton at whoyouknow.co.uk
Wed Jul 29 16:00:23 EDT 2009


How do get the call graph of a program?

I used the following code:
> CallGraph cg = Scene.v().getCallGraph();
> Iterator it = cg.listener();
> while( it.hasNext() ) {
>       soot.jimple.toolkits.callgraph.Edge e =
>                (soot.jimple.toolkits.callgraph.Edge) it.next();
>       System.out.println(""+e.src()+e.srcStmt()+" -> "+e.tgt() + 
> ";");//="+e.kind()+"=>
> }
It tells me to add code: 
Scene.v().addBasicClass(java.lang.Integer,BODIES), etc

I run it and get another error, etc. Until I've added about 10 similar 

Then it gives me a huge call graph. Is there a way I can easily get the 
call graph of just my application classes and not the Java libraries?



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