[Soot-list] Retrieving branch information

Patrick Lam plam at sable.mcgill.ca
Wed Jun 10 13:59:45 EDT 2009

Kristen Walcott wrote:
> Hi,
> I am able to extract the condition from a branch, but now I'm trying to 
> break the condition down so that I can plug it in as a condition in a 
> constraint solver.  Is there some easy way that I'm missing? 
> For example, if you have the condition $i0 < 10, I can extract the $i0 
> and 10 using the use boxes, but is there a way to get the "<" as well?

The Value that you get from the IfStmt.getCondition() would be an 
instanceof LtExpr. Or you could toString() the Expr; that might be 
suitable for your constraint solver. By the way, do you want simple 
three-address code expressions like in Jimple, or aggregated expressions 
(x + y < 10) as in Grimp?


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