[Soot-list] Compare 2 versions of the same jar

John Jorgensen jorgnsn at lcd.uregina.ca
Sat Sep 26 11:44:26 EDT 2009

>>>>> "bodden" == Eric Bodden <bodden at st.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de> writes:

    bodden> No, not that I am aware of. I sometimes thought about
    bodden> writing a "control-flow-graph diff" but I never found
    bodden> the time. Plus it's not a simple problem (graph
    bodden> matching is hard in terms of computation time).

Seeing this reminded me that when I re-implemented UnitGraph back
in 2003, I at least started writing some test scaffolding that
was supposed to ensure that the CFGs produced by the new classes
differed from the old ones only in ways that they were intended
to differ.  

One of the associated classes is in the soot repository:


But I see now that I never checked in the associated class which
calls GraphComparerer, though it still sits in
./tests/soot/tools/CompareGraphs.java in my svn working copy.

I simply don't remember if I ever got these classes to work,
and glancing at the code only reminds me that it was necessary to
play funky games in order to load alternate implementations of
some of the graph classes.  But I'll attach the
CompareGraphs.java code, in case it might be of use to someone.

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