[Soot-list] Soot as a commercial static analyzer front-end

이희종 heejong at fasoo.com
Tue Apr 27 02:39:17 EDT 2010

I'm working with a startup that makes a static program analyzer.
We're planning to launch a new Java static analyzer project and
Soot is one of our possible front-end candidates. Please anyone
give us an advice about:

1. Is there any possible license problem?
Soot is LGPL. But I think we can use it with our commercial
private source codes since Java doesn't link classes statically.
Is this right?

2. Can we only use Coffi parser and Jimple producing part of Soot?
Soot document says, if you want to add your analysis you may
provide a pack and insert it in the pack manager. But our analyzer
is a commercial product. We want to minimize an inter-dependency
between our product and any open source software. If Soot
provides any option to be used as a library not a framework, that
would be the best choice.

Thanks in advance.


Heejong Lee

Associate Research Engineer
Program Analysis Division
Fasoo.com, Inc. (www.spa-arrow.com)
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